Monday, April 29, 2013

Parking Lot Lab

Lena Hamvas
January 22, 2013

Purpose: Evaluating the impact of a half inch rainfall on the Willet Science Center parking lot.                   Determining the amount of gallons the parking lot will collect after the rain fall by               calculating the volume of the parking lot.
Objective: To evaluate the measurements of the parking lot to decide how many gallons of water                   can the parking lot hold.
Method: I used refined methods by using the measurements given by GoogleEarth.
1.      Observe the parking lot through my naked eye.
2.      Evaluate the parking lot to inspect any distortions that could affect the outcome.
3.      Download GoogleEarth. Type 1400 Coleman Avenue Macon, Georgia 31207 in the white space on the top right bar. Zoom in to locate the Willet Science Center parking lot. Use the polygon to mark the perimeter of the parking lot. Then, used the ruler on bar to take the measurements of the width, length, and height of the parking lot. These measurements are in feet, then converted to cubic feet then converted to gallons.
4.      Use the online conversion tool to make your converstions from feet to cubic feet to gallons.  
Data:   The length of the parking lot is determined to be 2182.616 feet. There was                                     611,192,700.97 gallons of rain.
Calculations: 237.53 ft * 229.72 ft * 0.04 ft = 2182.616 ft converted to 95, 075, 305.03 cubic ft                         and this converted to  611,192,700.979335 gallons of rain.

Conclusions: During a half inch rainstorm, the Willet Science Center will be able to collect                                  611,192,700.979335 gallons of rain. I am aware that this number is incorrect. I                             continued to repeat it over and over again but the online system must have been the                             fluke.

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