Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Minerals ROCK!

Hornblende: This is a rock type that gives a opaque green , brown or black color.  Often referred to an amphibole. Has a hardness of 5 to 6. This rock can be deceiving by appearing to be another type of rock.

Diorite: Igneous rock. Plutonic rock that can be associated with granite and a gabbro. It consists of hornblende and feldsbar. Vary in texture. It can be nicknamed “salt and pepper” Forms from partial melting of a mafic rock above a subduction zone.  This rock is pretty rare as it only is found in the Basin and Range province and Minnesota in the USA

Limestone: sedimentary rock. Composed of calcite and aragonite which  are made up of crystals from calcium carbonate. Many are formed from marine organisms. Most have a granular texture. Rich fossil content.

Mica: Makes some rocks sparkle and glitter! Found in granite. Exhibts a layer structure.

Mica is classified into a rock group. Biotite and Phlogopite ae dark colored micas. And the Muscovite and Paragonit is the light colored micas.

Granite: igneous rick that is rich in quartz and feldspar. Forms by the cooling of magma.  High demand for the infrastructure…roads and commercial buildings.

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