Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My BABY(s):

Death, or perhaps... underdeveloped or perhaps.. disabled, does not grow!

The seed that was from the flat leaf never showed anything. It has been about a month and it stills shows nothing. The water that I place in it gets absorbed by the soil, but sadly there is no plant.

The Baby that actually is still ALIVE!

It took about three days before the sunflower seed started to sprout.
First, I saw a small sprout, about an inch and two high with a ball on the end outside.  The sprout was light green but the ball on the end was a bit darker, so I knew there was a process going on in there that was getting ready to give birth to something (leaves).
A week later, there was one leaf. It was bicolor, with dark green lines on a lighter color green leaf.
A few days later, there were two leaves.
Then, shortly after three leaves appeared.
Third week later, a leaf appeared underneath the cluster of leaves. Now, there are leaves that have layers. There are three leaves clustered at the top, and two new leaves clustered underneath the fist older three.
All the leaves have the same color patterns. 

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