Sunday, February 24, 2013

Up the Yangtzee:

2007 documentary about people who are affected by the Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze river in Hubei, China.

Three Gorges Dam: is the world largest hydroelectric power station. This was a large project taken up by the Chinese government to improve economic prosperity. 148.365 billion Yuan was used to construct, relocate affected families, and financing the project.
The film showed how capitalism and socialism/communism work together in China.

The Dam contributes to the displacements of families who live along the river because the river rises and thus will engulf houses and even villages. The people in these villages are poor, so they do not have a say in this process what so ever. They must move their location in order to live. This causes a problem because the families are uneducated and only know how to live off the land they grew up on and this makes them have a narrow skill level. The skills they know are limited to their lands, and when they have to move off the lands, this poses a risk for survival and extreme poverty.

The documentary shows how a family struggles with the changes. They have to be replaced and that is completely NOT up to their discretion. Therefore, the uneducated parents have to make decisions that are painful to them because they know that it is not the decision they would make if life went the way they wanted it to go. When a family has no control, stressful and irrational decision will be made.
The main character wants to go to school, but she ends up working on a cruise ship. This shows that flaws in globalization, westernization and its influences to the expense of others.
Key morals to the documentary:
Western influence and its negative consequences, changing environment for money, profit to the expense of putting people in poverty or lifestyles that always struggles to survive, unwanted decision making, and oblivion of people living in a country. Lies or told and information hidden from the people of country(unethical and immorality).  

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