Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Andrea Gail crew underestimates the oceans capability, and the crew becomes engulfed in a mess (storm) in the ocean due to the powerful weather fronts and a hurricane.

There are many problems that occur:  Here are a few : 40-foot (12 m) waves crashing on the deck; a broken stabilizer that crashes into the side of the boat; two men were thrown overboard.
 All these disasters made the crew decide to go back, but on their way back, they encounter a rogue wave. A rogue wave is spontaneous large waves that are higher than the significant wave height. Here is a graph of a rogue wave: High winds and strong currents mix to make a great wave such like this one. The crew continues to fight these forceful waves, but it does not work out and the boat sinks and all crew members drown.

History behind the storm:
The combination of a tropical system to another tropical system escalated into a massive storm; these rare conditions that were perfect hints at the title of the movie—The Perfect Storm.. When these two met, there had to be perfect conditions to create this massive storm, and this means that the tropical moisture was added to the cold air that was perfect for creating enormous amounts of energy, which leads to increased rain and wind.  

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